Okra Can Cure Diabetes? How Good For Diabetes & Benefits

okra for diabetes

Okra is a magical veggie. My mom always cooks okra in the form of curry or fry during the exam season saying it helps improve my memory, true that because okra contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which help in boosting memory.

Okra commonly known as “ladies finger”. Okra not only boosts the memory but has many advantages such as it can be used to reduce the risk of diabetes. When the seed pods cooked, the mucilage contains dissolvable fibre.  Pods cooked, pickled, eaten raw, or incorporated in salads. In India, the pods loaded down with flavours are a famous dish.

Nutritional Values in Okra

Raw okra is 90% water, 2% protein, 7% starches and immaterial in fat. Raw okra is rich (20% or a greater amount of the Daily Value, DV) in dietary fiber, vitamin C and vitamin K, with the moderate substance of thiamine, fol ate, and magnesium. Okra has for quite some time been supported as nourishment for the well being cognizant.

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 Okra Contains:

  • Potassium
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • Folic acid
  • Calcium

Okra has been recommended to help manage blood sugar in instances of type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Diabetes is an increased blood sugar level in our body. Okra is low in calories and has high dietary fiber content.

The expression “okra” most generally alludes to the consumable seedpods of the plant. Popular types of okra for medicinal purposes incorporate okra water, okra strips, and powdered seeds.

How Okra Used For Diabetes


Research on okra for diabetes is still at an early stage. We do realise that as indicated by one study, okra water improved the glucose levels of pregnant rodents that had gestational diabetes, but there are few reasons why okra is good for diabetes. Okra has additionally demonstrated to positively affect bringing down glucose.

Dietary Fibre

Okra is high in fiber. Eight medium-sized units are estimated to contain 3 grams of fiber. This mass fiber quality has a few advantages. It helps absorption, cuts hunger longings, and keeps the individuals who eat it more full for longer.

Nourishment that is high in fiber substance are a significant piece of dietary treatment alternatives for diabetes. Expanded dietary fibre admission has been shown to advance better glycemic control and improve insulin affect ability.

Hostile To Stress Impacts

There is evidence that the seed concentrates of okra have a cancer prevention agent, against stress impact in the circulatory system of mice.

Overseeing feelings of anxiety is a significant piece of overseeing diabetes. Long haul, high feelings of anxiety can cause glucose levels to spike. Emotional well-being ought to be a piece of any diabetes treatment plan, and utilising okra and its subsidiary seeds can be a piece of that arrangement.

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May Help Lower Cholesterol

Okra has been found to bring down cholesterol levels in lab mice with diabetes. Sustenance with high fiber substance and cell reinforcement characteristics are suggested for those with diabetes since they lower cholesterol. T

he American Heart Association brings up that individuals with diabetes are bound to have unfortunate cholesterol levels. At the point when elevated cholesterol levels are joined with diabetes, the viewpoint isn’t great. That is the reason it’s so basic to ensure that you are eating routine has solid cholesterol levels.

Against Weariness Advantage

One investigation indicates a trusted source that recuperation times and “weariness levels” can be improved by the utilization of the okra plant. By incorporating okra in your eating regimen alongside a solid exercise schedule, you might almost certainly work out for more and recuperate all the more rapidly from your activity.

Cardiovascular movement is a basic piece of anticipating and treating diabetes. This implies the okra plant may add to a progressively dynamic way of life.

Okra can be taken in our diet in the form of :

  • Curry
  • Fry
  • Raw okra
  • Okra water
  • Powdered okra seed

How To Prepare Okra Water

Okra water is becoming popular nowadays. It is a simple recipe that involves soaking of okra whole night and consuming it the next day. It is very effective to keep the blood sugar levels in control as discussed above.

People allergic to okra should avoid okra intake. When in a grocery store we must choose fresh okra that is not rotten or dry.

One tip for buying and identifying good and fresh okra is to break the pointy end of the okra if it breaks perfectly then it is of good quality but if it will not break then it is not fresh.

Another tip is to slightly pinch the middle part of the okra, if it makes a cracking sound then it is not good.

Involve okra in your diet for more positive results on your health, it is also known to boost your brain health. Stay healthy and stay happy.


  1. How does okra reduce blood sugar?

Fiber reduces the absorption of sugar from your gut by lowering blood sugar in the green, seed component Okra. It is better to get fiber through diet than supplements.

  1. What are the side effects of eating okra?

Some people may affect Gastrointestinal problems by overeating okra. Okra contains fructans, which are a type of carbohydrate. People with pre-existing diarrhea from fructose may have diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, and obesity. Kidney stones: Okra is high in oxalates

  1. Does okra interfere with metformin?

This study explores the interactions between okra and metformin that may lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. The okra solution has found to inhibit the absorption of metformin, indicating that this plant reduces drug effects.

  1. What happens to your body when you eat okra every day?

People with high blood sugar should include okra in their daily diet. Because okra is rich in fiber, it can help improve insulin sensitivity and control and maintain blood sugar levels in the body.

  1. Is okra good for high blood pressure?

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of blood pressure-lowering nutrients such as potassium and magnesium. Foods high in magnesium include black beans, okra, spinach, pumpkin seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

  1. Can a person with diabetes eat boiled rice?

Rice is high in carbohydrates and has a high GI. If you have diabetes, you may think you should leave it for dinner, but this is not always the case. If you have diabetes, you can still eat rice. However, you should avoid eating it too much or too often.

  1. Can I eat boiled potatoes if I have diabetes?

A diet low in GI and GL is beneficial for people with diabetes. Potatoes are medium to high GI and GL, but cold cooked potatoes and varieties such as Charisma and Nicola are few and are the right choice for people with diabetes.

  1. Which type of rice is best for people with diabetes?

Wholemeal basmati rice has a lower GI (glycemic index) than any other rice, which means that once digested, it releases its energy slowly, keeping blood sugar levels more stable. It is an integral part of diabetes care.

  1. Is chapati good for diabetes?

For those monitoring diabetes and dieting, eating whole wheat chapati is a good alternative. White rice has a higher glycemic index than chapatis, which means it raises blood sugar even faster. Therefore, chapati has always been the preferred choice for people with diabetes.