14 Mint Leaves Benefits: Why Mint Leaves are Good for Health

mint leaves

Mint or Mentha is a popular herb, which belongs to the Lamiaceae family with more than 15 plant spices.

Mint with a pleasant aroma, can be used either in fresh or in dried forms, in foods and beverages, its meant for its cooling sensation while consuming.

This amazing herb has various health benefits like – availability of abundant in nutrients, improves digestion or reduces gastrointestinal problems, boosts brain function, helps in common cold, Helps beat depression and mental stress, and also helps to fight against skin problems.

Nutrient available in Mint:

And also contains:

How do mint leaves work?

Mint leaves are a type of herb that contain several active compounds that give them their distinctive flavor and aroma, as well as some potential health benefits. The active compounds in mint leaves include menthol, rosmarinic acid, and eucalyptol, among others.

Menthol is one of the main active compounds in mint leaves, and it is responsible for the cooling and soothing sensation that we experience when we eat or drink mint products. This is because menthol activates the TRPM8 receptor, which is responsible for sensing cool temperatures. This can provide a refreshing feeling and can help to alleviate symptoms of nasal congestion, headaches, and muscle pain.

Rosmarinic acid is another active compound found in mint leaves, and it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to help reduce inflammation in the body, which may help to alleviate symptoms of conditions such as arthritis and allergies.

Eucalyptol is another active compound found in mint leaves, and it has been shown to have antimicrobial properties. This means that it may help to fight off harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the body.

Overall, mint leaves can provide a range of potential health benefits, including improving digestion, reducing inflammation, and providing relief from headache and nasal congestion. Additionally, the refreshing flavor and aroma of mint leaves can add a pleasant taste to food and drinks.

Benefits of Mints Leaves

Let us have a glance on Mint or Mentha’s possible benefits

Improves digestion or reduces gastrointestinal problems

Consuming Mint in any natural form will help to improve digestion or gastrointestinal problems by helping our body to relive health common problems like stomach upset, indigestion, stomach pain, etc., The reason behind it is – the fibers and other unique combination of nutrient values in it, will support our digestive system

Boost immunity

The antimicrobial properties of mint leaves may help to fight off harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the body and boost the immune system.

Boost Brain Function

As per Ayurveda, there is a correlation between ‘Stomach’ and ‘Brain’ – if the stomach is clean and healthy – it will digest the food in a very wise manner and it helps to gain more alertness and concentration in whatever you do. Another reason possible cause could be the unique combination of nutrients like potassium, iron, several vitamins naturally existing in this herb.

Some studies show that – if someone smells peppermint oil may boost the alertness and brain functioning, however not all studies agreeing with this statement. More research yet to be done to understand the clear pictures with more samples.

It an excellent remedy to treat symptoms of Morning sickness or Nausea – by eating a few fresh leaves of Mentha or mint.

Helps in Common Cold

Many people, who like natural herbal treatments, believe Mint is an effective nasal decongestant that can improve airflow in breathing passageways. Consuming it at an early stage of cold may help to fight against common cold symptoms.

Read Also: Boost the Immune System

Helps to treat Asthma and respiratory disorders:

Mint is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, It’s a good relaxant and relieves from stuffiness or congestion, however American Lung Association – advise that scientific studies do not support these statements – mint helps in managing common cold symptoms or asthma.

Rosmarinus acid or antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent in Peppermint reduces symptoms of Asthma.

A number of species from Lamiaceae family ( Mint Family Herbs or  Plants) have been widely used as ethnomedicine against allergic inflammatory skin diseases and allergic asthma and respiratory disorders in traditional practices like Ayurveda.

Treats Bad Breath

Many people who are not having good digestion may suffer from bad breath in general. Eating mint leaves either fresh green leaves or dried leaves helps you to control bad breath. Mint leaves contain menthol and other substances that can help refresh breath and eliminate unpleasant mouth smells.

In general, people like to eat Pan (betel leaf with Anise, Mint, etc ) for good digestion and also to get rid of bad breath.

In various parts of the world Mint family herbs or  Lamiaceae species ( various plant parts ) used for various purposes as per NCBI & its references.

Enhance cognitive function

Some studies have suggested that the aroma of mint leaves may help to improve cognitive function and enhance memory.

Aid in weight management

Mint leaves are low in calories and high in fiber, which can help to promote feelings of fullness and reduce cravings. Additionally, the compounds in mint leaves may help to boost metabolism and aid in weight loss.

Support heart health

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of mint leaves may help to protect against heart disease by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.

Improve skin health

The compounds found in mint leaves may help to promote healthy skin by reducing inflammation and fighting off harmful bacteria and fungi.

Reduce nausea

The scent of mint leaves has been shown to have a calming effect on the digestive system, which may help to reduce feelings of nausea and vomiting.

Help to alleviate headaches

Mint leaves contain compounds that can help to relax tense muscles, which can be beneficial in reducing the intensity and frequency of headaches.

Provide relief from menstrual cramps

The anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing properties of mint leaves may help to alleviate painful menstrual cramps.

Boost respiratory health

The menthol found in mint leaves can help to loosen mucus and clear congestion in the airways, which can provide relief from respiratory symptoms such as coughing and wheezing.

Improve oral health

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of mint leaves can help to reduce harmful bacteria and inflammation in the mouth, which can help to prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

Here you can see listed a wide range of uses in various geographies in various medical practices

Plant Name – from Mint Family Geography Mode of use Medical use
Clerodendrum petasites Thailand The aerial part is prepared as tea Asthma
Elsholtzia blanda (Benth.) Arunachal Pradesh, India Leaves Itching conditions
Epimeredi indica (L.) Rothm China Bones and muscles ache, The whole plant is used for medicinal bath.
Mentha arvensis Linn. Western Himalayas Leaves Stomach problems

In Korea, Peninsula, Lebanon, Indonesia – uses these herb family plants to treat various disorders in traditional practices.

How to Prepare Mint Juice:


  • 1 cup of Mint leaves
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1tpsp of jaggery/Sugar
  • 1 slice lemon
  • 1 tbsp of cumin powder
  • Required salt
  • Ice cubes (if required)


  • Wash the mint leaves roughly.
  • Now add these leaves and in a jar.
  • Now blend with high speed now add all other ingredients and mix well
  • Then serve with adding ice cubes. If you want to garnish touch with a lemon slice.


We can add mint to various dishes & beverages to make them delicious & healthy. It is significant to highlight that while consuming fresh mint leaves might have a variety of possible health advantages, excessive use can have harmful effects. Also, before ingesting mint leaves or any other herbal supplement, anyone who is expecting, nursing, or taking medication should speak with a medical expert

Mint family spices are having a wide range of health benefits as per traditional medical practices like help in common cold, may improve brain function, morning sickness, bad breath, and widely used in aromatherapy.

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